I really have kept hope because people like my mom and Casey made other people realize I was very competent. I got to visit my congressman today. It was exciting. You don’t realize how not letting people use their voice oppresses them. Don’t mean to pry but people need to help instead of hurting. Be the lesser of two evils. Treat other people with respect. brownie points only count in Girl Scouts .
Category Archives: updates
Praying for other people
I pray for the people that don’t believe in Jesus. He opened up my heart to the truth. You don’t need great speech to love others. I preach in my blog because I want to be a missionary . Naming someone autistic does not mean Being silent. It means that you need to feed the mind. Peter walked on the water in faith. Jesus prayed that we would be get out of the boat . We need strength only God can give. You need to help each other. I am having a bad week myself .pray for me please.
Hope for others
People need to believe in us and not judge by our bodies! I pray everyday i prove myself worthy of the blessing I have been given. I pray other parents find ways to type with their kids. Typing gave me prudence in dealing with people . I now opine my thoughts . I am a person with thoughts and feelings. Keep helping by treating us like equals. Thank you for being interested in my blog. Matthew 4:7
baptism video
Top issue
I have severe autism and can’t talk. I am 17 years old and I want people to know I am in here. My life is very different since I started typing. The top issue is belief. I need people to believe in my typing. I am what people see when they see severe autism the brain is working but my body betrays me. Being autistic is very challenging. I am a nuisance to many. My body needs a place like Access Academy because they understand what I need for success.i want to be a missionary in Mexico. I would suggest never giving up on your kids.